
教授/ cqf3333@163.com/结构生物学





陈庆锋2012年毕业于华中农业大学并获得博士学位,期间先后前往美国唐纳德丹福斯植物科学中心和清华大学开展合作研究,从事植物蛋白的结构和功能研究。2012-2019年在美国西南医学中心/霍华德休斯医学研究所从事博士后研究工作,研究方向为人类重大疾病相关离子通道的结构和功能。相关工作发表在NatureeLifePLoS GeneticsJBC 等国际知名学术期刊。201910月加入天津大学生命科学学院,任教授。20214月全职加入云南大学生命科学中心/生命科学学院。















1. Chen, Q., Zeng, W., She, J., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2019) Structural and functional characterization of an otopetrin family proton channel. Elife 8, e46710.

2. She, J., Zeng, W., Guo, J., Chen, Q., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2019) Structural mechanisms of phospholipid activation of the human TPC2 channel. Elife 8, e45222.

3. She, J.*, Guo, J.*, Chen, Q.*, Zeng, W., Jiang, Y., and Bai, X. C. (2018) Structural insights into the voltage and phospholipid activation of mammalian TPC1 channel. Nature 556, 130–134. (*equal contribution)

4. Guo, J.*, She, J.*, Zeng, W., Chen, Q., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2017) Structures of the Calcium-activated Non-Selective Cation Channel TRPM4, Nature 552, 205–209. (*equal contribution. Highlighted in "Editors' Choice” in Science Signaling)

5. Chen, Q.*, She, J.*, Zeng, W., Guo, J., Xu, H., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2017) Structure of mammalian endolysosomal TRPML1 channel in nanodiscs, Nature 550, 415-418. (*equal contribution. Highlighted in "Editors' Choice” in Science Signaling)

6. Guo, J., Zeng, W., Chen, Q., Lee, C., Chen, L., Yang, Y., Cang, C., Ren, D., Jiang, Y. (2016) Structure of the voltage-gated two-pore channel TPC1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 531, 196-201.

7. Chen, Q.*, Chen, X.*, Wang, Q., Zhang, F., Lou, Z., Zhang, Q., Zhou, D. (2013) Structural basis of a histone H3 lysine 4 demethylase required for stem elongation in rice. PLoS Genet 9, e1003239. (*equal contribution)

8. Chen, Q., Wang, Q., Xiong, L., and Lou, Z. (2011). A structural view of the conserved domain of rice stress-responsive NAC1. Protein & Cell 2, 55-63.

9. Westfall, C.S., Herrmann, J., Chen, Q., Wang, S., and Jez, J.M. (2010). Modulating plant hormones by enzyme action: the GH3 family of acyl acid amido synthetases. Plant Signal Behav 5, 1607-1612.

10. Chen, Q., Westfall, C.S., Hicks, L.M., Wang, S., and Jez, J.M. (2010). Kinetic basis for the conjugation of auxin by a GH3 family indole-acetic acid-amido synthetase. J Biol Chem 285, 29780-29786.

11. Chen, Q.*, Zhang, B.*, Hicks, L.M., Wang, S., and Jez, J.M. (2009). A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-based assay for indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase. Anal Biochem 390, 149-154. (*equal contribution)







Center for Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China.


